blog 4
thanks to the globalization of capítalism in the last couple of years there's been a rise on the job market, but at the same time the quality of jobs has been decreasing to the point that in this days the idea of having two jobs or even more has been normalizing, i think in the future thanks to the current development of working fields, the quality of life for the common worker of a third world country is gonna decreased to a critical point, already poeple are talking about what is call indirect slavery, a process of the modern slavery where the worker is obligated to work in determinates jobs, because in the territory where he lives in it has been decreasing the range of jobs available, to the point where farming has decresee to a point where is almost or completely nonexistent in the zone making the industrial job market the only one available, and thanks to the globalization of economy foreing industries are taking advantage making the decision to locate their subsidiaries in countries where the economy is soo poor that the regulation for work conditions are very few, making it the ideal place to economically explode.
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